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zmhk 2024-05-31
comfortable_comfortable翻译成中文       好久不见了各位,今天我想跟大家探讨一下关于“comfortable”的问题。如果你还不了解这方面的





4.comfortable 是单词吗






       nice:英 [na?s] 美 [na?s]。

       comfortable:英 ['k?mft?bl] 美 ['k?mft?bl]。


       nice:adj. 好的;美妙的;友好的;令人愉快的;精细的。

       comfortable:adj. 舒适的;充裕的。



       nice的基本意思是“美好的,美妙的,令人愉快的”。用于物时指能引起快感或赞赏之情; 用于人时,指人心地善良,态度友好,行为正派。


       1、It's the safest, most?comfortable?environment to relax and socialize in.


       2、Creating?comfortable?interior microclimate environment is one of the basic aims in building design.


       3、It's not only an ordinary sofa, it's also a?comfortable?bunk bed.


       4、This is a classical round-bed design. Thick and tall headboard makes the bed?comfortable?and noble.


       5、But it's important to keep your canine running buddy safe, healthy and?comfortable?on the run.


       6、He's more?comfortable?with computers than with people.


       7、To get?comfortable?use them a lot.


       8、If you want to be a good product manager, be?comfortable?being uncomfortable.

       如果你想成为一个好的产品经理,那你得擅长于做你不擅长的事情 。

       9、He grew up in a?comfortable?Catalan home, the son of a lawyer and a doctor.


       10、My manse is large enough for any man, and more?comfortable?than your drafty Westerosi castles.





       英?['k?mft?bl]? ? ?美?['k?mft?bl]? ? 



       1.Were it not for science, we could not live a comfortable live.


       2.Neither chair is comfortable.


       3.A comfortable house may be an Eden.


       4.She has pretty dancing slippers and comfortable bedroom slippers.


       5.I won't be comfortable until I know what happened.


comfortable 是单词吗

       comfortable本意是形容舒服、舒适,轻松,be comfortable with除了本身对...感到舒适之外,也有引申义,例如:Anyone hired into the company must be comfortable with the system, he says.

       阿特金森说,任何受雇于公司的员工都要适应这套系统 。

       这句话里就是适应的意思,由感到舒适,引申为很好的适应,再比如:We should acknowledge our differences and be comfortable with them.

       我们应该承认,并坦然面对彼此的不同,才是打破迷思的正确心态.这句话和图中的话差不多,引申为坦然,舒适轻松的心态,表示内心精神层面的轻松,图中be comfortable with imperfection(不完美).也可以说是适应并坦然面对自己的不完美,一个人拥有这样的心态自然“舒适 安逸”。



       1. 使人舒服的,舒适的

       2. 宽裕的;丰富的

       3. (人)舒服的;自在的;安逸的[F]


       1. 美盖被[C]

       comfortable 加入生词本


       安乐的, 舒适的; 令人感到安慰的

       充裕的; 丰富的



       a comfortable income


       Please make yourself comfortable.



        be comfortably off 收入多而生活舒适


       comfortable cosy snug restful


       comfortable 为常用词, 多含“(使身体)舒适的”、“安逸的”之意, 如:I feel very comfortable in this chair. 坐在这张椅子里, 我感到非常舒服。cosy主要指“温暖而舒适的”、“安逸的”, 含“带热情或友情, 使之舒适而满足的”意思, 如:a cosy room. 一间温暖、舒适的房间。snug指“地方虽不大, 但舒适而安全的”, 如:The cat found a snug corner behind the stove.猫儿在炉后找到一块舒适而暖和的地方。restful指“宁静的”、“(使感到)平静的”, 如:It's restful to sit on the beach, watching the gentle lapping of the waves. 坐在海滩看海浪轻拍, 令人感到心旷神怡。

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       comfortable chair



       be comfortable in new shoes


       The doctor said that the patient was comfortable after her operation.























































